Our guest today is, (Harmony Kwiker) Harmony is a psychotherapist, author, and professor at Naropa University where she teaches transpersonal Gestalt counseling. She is the founder of the Institute for Spiritual Alignment where she trains therapists and coaches to bridge the divide between traditional and spiritual realms of transformation.
In her first book, Reveal: Embody the True Self Beyond Trauma and Conditioning, Harmony shares about her patterned ways of being that led her to choose her first marriage and the deep transformation she experienced after her divorce. Harmony believes that reclaiming our power is less about what we say or do and more about the place within ourselves from which we act. Her new book, Align: Living and Loving from the True Self, teaches readers how to embody their truest expression in all areas of life. It will be available in December 2022.
Questions discussed
1. How did your conditioned patterns manifest in your first marriage?
2. What advice would you give other women thinking about leaving?
3. How did you overcome the fear of leaving, starting a career, being a single mom, etc.
4. How did you know you were ready to remarry?
5. How do you help your clients who are considering divorce?
About The Guest:
And preorder your copy of Harmony’s new book, Align: Living and Loving from the True Self on Amazon:
Align: Living and Loving from the True Self